A seven-year old sake from Kochi Shuzo, named after the nearby Niyodogawa river from whose clear waters this sake is made. Produced using Gin no Yume rice, CEL-24 yeast, and matured at low temperatures, this sake has mellowed out significanty, developing complex citrus notes and a slighty nutty character (that's the koji shining through!). Still, quite dry, and able to be paired with a variety of foods, in particular marinated meats. Serve at room temperature or slighlty chilled.
- Group:
- Sake & Shochu
- Type:
- Sake
- Style:
- Koshu
- Country:
- Japan
- Region:
- Kochi
- Producer:
- Kochi Shuzo
- Size:
- 720ml
- ABV:
- 16%
- Grade:
- Junmai Daiginjo
- Polish:
- 40%
- Rice:
- Gin no Yume