Jamaican high ester rum at its finest, this Long Pond was bottled by Velier at an age of 12 years, At 57% the fruity, ripe esters that modern Jamaican rum is known and praised for are present in all their funky glory. The STC❤️E bottlings bare the initials of Simon Thompson Cambridge Estate and represent the Continental Style of Jamaican rums, with an ester content of 550-700 gr/hlpa pre-distillation.
Most of the liquid was lost over the 12 years it spent aging, 55% going to the angels, the remaining volume becoming a rich, dense spirit, full of over-ripe plantains, waxy wood sealant and charred sugar notes.
Perfect for rum nerds chasing a classic style of Jamaican rum or as your next “malternative” spirit to broaden your horizons.